PGI Estates Get Fit Challenge!
Let’s get fit right before Thanksgiving and do it for a good cause!
>>>Get fit before Thanksgiving for a cause! Fill in this form to join.
We’ll be donating $2 for each pound a participant loses during the challenge to a local non-profit organization to honor our Veterans.
Our Challenge has 3 categories:
- Body Weight Loss
- Body Fat % Loss, and
- Skeletal Muscle Mass Gained
You weigh in and get your measurement FOR FREE from any Nutrishop branch. You will either download an app or they can print you a report with all the information.
*Weigh-in dates: Any day before 11/04/2019
*Weigh out date: 11/24/2019 – 11/27/2019
Click the link below and fill in the form and we will email you the instructions.
>>>Joining is easy, so sign up and get fit!
There will be 4 winners 1 per category and 1 ultimate winner.
Winners can also be split into Male and Female category depending on the number of entries we receive.
One winner per category (10%) and One Ultimate winner (70%) who earned the most points total.
Weight Example:
(Initial Weight – Final Weight)/(Initial Weight) = (W)eight Points
(163 – 143)/(163) = 12%
Body Fat % Example:
(Initial Body Fat % – Final Body Fat %)/(Initial Body Fat %) = (F)at Points
(24 – 18)/(24) = 25%
Skeletal Muscle Mass Example:
(Final Skeletal Muscle Mass – Initial Skeletal Muscle Mass) =(M)uscle Points
(71 – 68) = 3
Final Calculation: W+F+M = Combined Total
12 + 25 + 3 = 40
Come join the cause! We have multiple ways to win! In the end we are all winners because we will be able to enjoy Thanksgiving a bit more knowing that we helped a good cause (and we can eat a bit more Turkey!…or Tofurkey!)
*Note: Depending on the number of entries we receive, we may split into Male and Female category.
>>>Click here to join our cause and get on the road to fitness!
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